Guess Who Got Nominated For An Award?


Yes, you guessed right – Chic-Soles did!

A huge danke schön goes firstly to Samantha – the lady with a beautiful heart who nominated me for this award; who generously shares her life experiences about her son and lovely cats on her blog: samanthamurdochsblog. I am so grateful for all the love you’ve shown Chic-Soles since its inception, Samantha. 🙂 big hugs P.S: We soft-hug a lot. Lol.

And secondly, to beautiful you; yes you there, who has always taken out time to read some of my posts and maybe leave a comment or even go as far as sharing on your social media pages. You have no idea how excited I get each time I see xxx number of views, comments, likes and shares on any of my posts. Thanks so much darl!

“What’s going on here?” – someone might ask. Well I was wondering the same thing when I first saw “The Real Neat Blog Award” logo, but after doing some blog-to-blog research, I discovered that this award, like its name, was created to recognize blogs with organised, user friendly interfaces and straight up comprehensive content, with the aim of encouraging bloggers to keep the good work going and of course, to help drive traffic to their awesome blogs.

Here are the rules of the Real Neat Blog Award:

  1. Post the Award logo on your blog.
  2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. Thank the people who nominated you and link to their blog.
  4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like and link to their blog.
  5. Let them know you nominated them by leaving a comment on their blog.

And here are Samantha’s questions for me and my responses 🙂 .

 1. Sunshine or rain?

Me: Why does this question sound familiar? hmmm… Well considering where I come from, I think I’ll pick sunshine. Rain is a sure show-spoiler. Lol.

 2. If you were a herb, what would you be?

Me: I would be onugbu (that’s Igbo), but it’s commonly known as Bitter Leaf or Vernonia amygdalina botanically. Why this of all herbs? Well because in spite of its very bitter nature, it has a sweet after taste, as well as some unbelievable health benefits. And oh, it also makes some really delicious ofe onugbu (bitter leaf soup), rubbed off on smooth pounded yam! 😉 (yes, I like food)

3. First thing you ever cooked or baked?


4. First pet?

Me: Never had a pet, although we had lots of dogs around while growing up; thanks to my Dad’s Vet profession

5. What country would you like to visit and why?

Me: Italy! One, ‘cos Italian as a language sounds VERY sexy, plus Italy is the base of the best made shoes in the world! #GoItaly

6. What one piece of advice would you give to your 16 year old self?

Me: “Don’t date “that” boy. You really don’t want to look back and remember he was ever in your life” 😀

7. Favourite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)?

Me: Oh my, this is some question now. Wellllll……. if every day and time of the week were a Friday Evening, I’d probably go for some form of alcohol. But since nature has given each day a different name, I guess fresh pineapple juice is “it” for me 🙂 .

Now, My Nominees:

  • Mliae – Life experiments are what she writes about! (like literally)
  • Tega Enai – Wanna talk fashion? Hola at Tega!
  • Tosin – The beauty of Africa lies here!
  • Francis & Anna – An amazing couple who are so in love with Jesus, and then each other. (#MarriageGoals)

Alright nominees: Ready for my questions? Here they come! I’ll make them as fun as possible.

  1. Why did you accept this nomination? (honestly)
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your passion for what your blog content is about?
  3. Would you ever want to watch a haunted-house horror movie in 3D? Why yes/Why not?
  4. Be honest: Have you ever read any post on my blog? 
  5. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
  6. Do you snore at night? Like seriously. 😀
  7. What’s the worst scene you’ve ever witnessed?

As always, these nominations are a sign of appreciation. There is no pressure to accept, although I’d be glad if you did :).

Thanks everyone for reading till the end.

You, are one of the “WHYs” I write.




  1. Oh no! I hadn’t said half of what I wanted to..
    Lol…sunshine or rain! That’s a stock question for me…very important at the moment considering how cold and wet it is here…the herb sounds interesting…oh yes and Italy is amazing-beautiful shoes!
    Also, thank you for all your lovely words about me…very kind of you!
    Great responses, interesting questions, going to check out your nominations..*BIG HUGS!!*


    • Lol! Okay, was actually wondering about the double comment 😀 . Thanks again for considering me for this award, and every single one of those words I said about you are for real. Have a splendid weekend 🙂 *another hug* …heheee…

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